Daniella Montgomery
#1061 Hayward, CA
The things that I do to make my WGE’s successful is to first evaluate needs and expectations, assign the best SA to take on the task, establish prime demo and product placement, provide the tools necessary for an easy flow, and consistently check-in on the demo throughout the shift to see if anything needs to be changed. When establishing who would be the right SA for the WGE, I take a few things into consideration: the style of the event, the energy level of the SA, if the SA demonstrates the SITGA throughout the entire shift, and if the SA has a natural competitive spirit. The SA’s that work on my WGE stand out and go above and beyond the regular work expectation. Picking the right SA ensures that we provide Costco with the highest quality demonstration and best ROI.
Kristin Campurean
#1106 Ann Arbor, MI
The most important thing is to have the right SA on the event. The right person is someone passionate about the event and understands the benefits of the product. In addition, I look for someone who is motivated, friendly, positive, outgoing, determined and asks for the sale.
Joanne Piper
#684 Plano, TX
I always assign a strong SA who constantly uses SITGA while simultaneously running a well-executed event. Communication is how we sell and when it comes to a Costco WGE, I make sure they are getting the best of CDS to promote their product. I work directly with Costco department managers so that we can execute the event in the best manner to increase sales.
Frank Najar
#1016 Albuquerque, NM
I always try to staff my WGE’s with my best SA’s. Costco already knows who they would prefer and If they request a specific individual, I always oblige. The SA’s who smile, make eye contact, and talk to as many members as possible are usually doing my WGE’s.
Luci Jeanjacques
#333 Everett, MA
I try to lead by example, making my team enjoy their event as much possible. I know their strength and weaknesses and assign them accordingly.
Jeanette Hancock
#627 Fontana, CA
For me, it’s important to select the right SA for each event. I don’t only choose them for their talents but also for their engagement with members. These attributes will make a difference for a successful event. I also stay in touch with Costco Management, which I feel is essential to be effective and have positive results.
Ashley Almeida
#303 Avon, MA
In order to ensure that our warehouse generated events are successful, we keep in contact with our Costco management team to make sure that we are all prepared for the event. Sometimes we need to work with our warehouse to make sure enough space is allotted, that our product is located in a place with plenty of warehouse traffic and high visibility in order to make sure we don’t run into any issues. We also make sure that we are putting our strongest SA’s on our warehouse events – those who have an upbeat attitude and a great competitive streak. Getting the right SA is important for any event to be successful, but it is key for our warehouse events to shine their brightest.
Lee Hinkle
#91 Davie, FL
The success, of any great event, comes from having an outstanding team and support system. It comes from our Regional Manager, Alicia Ramos, who instills the importance of communication at all times and the “WE CAN DO ANYTHING” for you attitude required to gain the trust of our Costco partners to provide us with their demos. We do this by checking-in Tuesday mornings as we begin our planning for our upcoming weekend demos. We stop by and touch base with every department head and manager to see what their needs may be for the upcoming weekend. We ask how can CDS help you make your sales goals. We then look at our team to see who is the best fit for each department demo needs based on the product being sampled. We also make sure we schedule the appropriate shift needed to send out that demo to be successful (i.e. Breakfast items during first shift, lunch items next shift, etc.)! These CDS team members are those that consistently show their enjoyment, and their excitement for whatever product is given to them to demo. It doesn’t hurt that these same team members, are those that always follow our S.I.T.G.A. standards and score 100% when mystery shopped! If we plan our work, work our plan, and follow up with our communication with our Costco partners, then every warehouse generated demo we do will be successful! It’s also by instilling our trust, along with the training we do with our CDS team, and also being there lending our support, shows Costco and our CDS team, we care about making every event successful!
Lindsey Stokely
#1030 Colorado Springs, CO
We typically run 12-15 warehouse generate events a week. I have a few sales advisors that work well with each department. However, I try to identify top performers each week that are warm and engaging with members. I utilize these SA’s put them on warehouse generated events. I make sure to let sales advisors that have never done a warehouse generated event know that it is an honor to be chosen to do any event that has the vendor present for the entire shift. This usually helps my staff get excited and work towards being on those events.
Linda Sasser
#464 Sacramento, CA
My team and I ask all Costco management weekly if they need any demos ran for the week or any specific days and then I assign my top sales advisor to these demos. These sales advisors are leaders and it really shows in the sales. By keeping good communication with Costco management, we have a great relationship with all the departments.
Gertrude Dekker
#1212 New Berlin, WI
I have lots of open communications between myself and the department managers, letting them know we are always willing to run a demo even at the last minute. I try to make sure we pick the person that displays great enthusiasm for the job as well as picking the right shift, yet it takes an overall attitude with all the staff that we are here to help in any way we can. In the pre-shift meetings, I will pass along any input given on the demos form the mangers. Our mangers are always there to let my people know how they are doing and I know it is appreciated!
Brett Mitts
#401 San Diego, CA
The most important factor in making Warehouse Generated Events successful and keeping the program ongoing is thorough communication. Working with your Warehouse General Manager and Assistant General Managers to discuss the financials, logistics and staffing is paramount. The Manager who is requesting a demo should know exactly when it is starting, who is performing it, where it is being set up, how samples are going to be prepared, and the day after the demo they should be followed up with to be told end sales and financial impact. In the event the WGE was made to save code issue product for example, letting them know an exact dollar amount they saved from being thrown away helps to show value and promote future events.
When it comes to picking the right Sales Advisors for these events, on top of making samples ample and available, they need to be able to focus on the talking points that are the reason the WGE was made. Is the
product new? Has the price dropped due to a short code? Is it a product made fresh here in the warehouse? SAs that are good at following the Warehouse Manager’s instructions; both for prep and selling points that matter to them, are the SAs you need on these events. When they do a god job making our client feel supported, we book more WGEs.
Shelli Doyle
#1097 Frisco, TX
I work very closely with Costco to assure that we are running their events with ease and accuracy. We have a busy warehouse and the bakery WGE is always especially busy. I make sure that my sales advisor is one who can handle both the busy event as well as the members push for samples. I do whatever I can to help Costco with their WGE’s, if they do not have one scheduled I always ask for one, additionally making sure we can support their occasional must run WGE. Placing my sales advisors who can handle the fast-paced events is the key to successfully executing WGE’s. I have a great team as well as a great relationship with Costco!
Renata Giallonardo
#734 Nampa, ID
Our continued success for warehouse events is my team’s communication and commitment to Costco. By always staffing and striving to put my most outgoing sales advisors on those events, it has made my Costco management realize the strength in my team with our results in our sales!
Terryce Keul
#445, Yorba Linda, CA
Each WGE adds an opportunity for one of my team members to work and generate additional revenue for CDS and Costco. It is important to have a good rapport with my Costco team and always be available for them. They know that CDS will make their events happen. Most of these events are 7 and 8 hours so fortunately, I have a team that wants to work the longer shifts. The Sales Advisors I put on the WGEs have the energy for these longer events. They know that they are representing Costco, the product and CDS. They keep the “show” going and make it fun for the members.
Kim Snell
#1081 Pottstown, PA
I always strive to maintain excellent relationships with the Costco managers as well as the department managers. We all work together as a team. They know they can always come to CDS for a demo at any time, even last minute, and we will get it done for them. Whether it is bakery, meat, produce, or just a code demo, they know they will be provided with the best sales advisor for the job. I will pick someone very energetic and outspoken who really draws the members in and can offer additional advice on how to prepare the product they are serving. All my sales advisors take great pride in doing their best and exceeding their goals every day.
Jennifer McBride
#628 Grafton, WI
I make sure there is detailed communication with Costco management from the time the demo is requested till it’s completion and the final numbers are in. Once I have a comprehensive understanding of the events, I assign a SA that consistently displays the attributes the event is requiring. Together, as a team, we evaluate the results and make sure we celebrate and acknowledge the successes we have.
Cheryl Markowicz
#1198 Pleasant Prairie, WI
I always put my most outgoing SA’s on WGE! The one’s who will read up on the product and give members ideas of how to use. They tell them how they enjoy and this always gets good sales.
Maria del Carmen Hernandez
#472 Salinas, CA
What I do to make a warehouse generated event successful I Choose My best performing Sales Advisors. the more outgoing and talkative to ensure that Costco is happy and satisfied with our job performance in doing a demo for them. I help the Sales Advisers in what I can to make sure that the demo is going good and smooth, I pump them up by updating them on their sales on the item(S) that they are promoting. By Choosing the best of my team helps us also by showing Costco our best and that we are worth doing demos for them and they can depend on us to help improve and lift sales for them.
Dimetria Sotiriou
#342 Naperville, IL
To make a warehouse generated event successful I make sure that I am putting the right person on the demo. They know that it’s not just about getting the samples out or making the sale, but about making sure that the member experience is the best that it can possibly be. These are my people that are top in sales and incredibly welcoming. I look for the Sales Advisors that can not only talk to the members about the product but make the demo fun for them as well.
Margret Dauna
#116 Albequerque, NM
We make the warehouse events successful by paring people who are passionate about selling and connecting to members. We love to get compliments about our sales. Last week we had the highest sales in our region for one of our promotions. Our warehouse uses us for WGE promotions when they can see the value in choosing us.
Melissa Ulibarri
#487 Sandy, UT
I think that the success of a warehouse-generated event depends on good communication, having a great working relationship with Costco, and to have my top Sales Advisors perform these events. These are Sales Advisors with outstanding SITGA skills, are energetic, adapts well, and is knowledgeable about the product. Costco knows that we are a great tool to utilize and that we are always available to them , and that we are prepared for whatever event they may need us to successfully execute.
Jefferson Jackson
#1049 Rockwall, TX
To make a WGE a success you must be on the same page with Costco. Having a good relationship with them makes setting up and preforming demo’s successful. Also picking the right SA to run this event. What makes a sales advisor worthy of working this type of event is having a positive attitude, energetic personality, and great efficiency in providing samples.
Jeremy Howard
#366 Buford, GA
The biggest key to our success is communication. We will talk with the management staff and department manager before the event to develop a plan on location, sample sizes, preparation, and the SA they would like to run the event. During the event the SA and our management team are always talking about what if anything that needs to be adjusted.
Wendy Stewart
#140 Kailua Kona, HI
I treat Warehouse generated events like other events for the most part but do make sure that I have the strongest Advisors doing the demos. Knowing that this is an important partnership with the warehouse managers, I take one step further and follow up with them to make sure I understand how they want it to be run prior to the demo running. During my briefing, I make sure my team knows that these warehouses generated demos are important and we must make the best possible impressions, especially since we need them to help us on other non-warehouse generated demos and because we want them to choose us for future warehouse generated demos. When I select my Advisors to run them, I select the ones with the best sales skills and punctuality. I check on the demo throughout the course of it and check in with warehouse manager to make sure it’s running the way they want it to.
Keith Watterson
#142 Merced, CA
Warehouse Generated Events success is dependent on several factors. To start, we must select the best Sales Advisor that fits with the product that we are demonstrating. Ideally, we pick our Sales Advisor with the highest level of energy and enthusiasm to draw in the members, balanced with great working knowledge of the product and its benefits/selling points. Foundationally grounded in SITGA, the Sales Advisor needs to also be motivated by a goal of how many we are expecting to sell, and work to achieve the goal. As the floor leader, we must ensure we keep them updated on progress against the goal and keep our energy and enthusiasm up though-out the shift. If executing a multiple day warehouse-generated event on the same product, build excitement by challenging the next Sale Advisor to beat their peer’s performance from the day before. Check-in with Costco Management often to see how we are affecting their ranking in their respective districts/region, etc. and celebrate with the team and with Costco when the performance warrants.
John Cassaro
#1211 Allentown, PA
I always try and take the time to talk to the Costco management to get an idea of what there thinking for special events. I also assign the best Sales Advisor I can. They not only do they need to be good at selling, but also be outgoing and the person who wants to be there the most. If our Sales Advisor is having a good time, then members are more likely to have a good time as well.
Lana Stenger
#1027 Sheridan, CO
I have a great relationship with each of the Costco Department Managers and communicate with them about their demo. I make sure to let them know how happy we are to do a demo for them. I always give them one of my best Sales Advisors who is always friendly, has a smile on their face and has a passion for that department.
Cheryl Peterson
#1005 Greenville, SC
When I assign a warehouse-generated event, I choose a Sales Advisor who not only has a proven selling ability but are also understanding of the challenges that the Costco employees have. So both needs are met.
Max Breitenbauch
#1059 Warrenton, OR
I check-in with the warehouse general manager first thing on Tuesdays to see what we are going to run and then speak with the department managers about the event for any feedback that they may have. When I’m looking at who will run the demo, I always want an Advisor with proven sales, but I also look at who is going to make the event more fun. They bring energy and their personality to the demo and make it more of an experience for the members.
Elizabeth Ruiz
#025 Reno, NV
In our location, they have a Costco-hired event person. So, when we do a warehouse-generated event, we try to make sure we outshine the Costco employee hired for demos. That way when Costco has a very important event and they need to move product, we are the top choice for the really hard jobs. I have never said no. And on some rare occasions when it is too late in the day, I have run the event myself to help Costco succeed!
Maria Serna
#665 New Phoenix, AZ
In my experience, generating Warehouse Events comes from keeping an open line of communication with Costco managers (and all department heads) is key to developing and maintaining a great relationship between CDS and Costco. Make sure your team is selling the best they can to promote what Costco has to offer, especially in their Bakery Department and the Deli. Costco appreciates our help and they know how valuable our CDS team is for generating and increasing sales.
Carrie Ulufale
#687 Lwilei, HW
We always get with the department manager to double-check the item we are doing and the way they want us to perform the demo. We always speak to the Sales Advisor individually to make sure the directions of the demo are ran correctly and always let the Sales Advisor know the importance of a warehouse-generated event. We also perform SITGA 100 percent. All Sales Advisors are worthy of doing a warehouse-generated event, but it’s our job to motivate them to do so. However, we do choose the Sales Advisor that are excited to do that type of demo and is vocal, not shy to call members over and try they product out. We also thank them and let them know how well they are doing on the demo during our walk-throughs.
Tina Hinkle
#340 Fredericksburg, TX
A Sales Advisor needs to be flexible. They need to be able to change from one item to another throughout their shift. They need to be able to keep up with the high demand and high profile of the demo with a positive attitude. Someone who can communicate well with the Costco staff of that department, to let them know when they are getting low of an item or when they need to change out. Once you find that Sales Advisor, believe me Costco will choose them for you on a daily basis.
Sherri Leslie
#1152 Cedar Park, TX
I coordinate with the department manager for specifics about the event such as location, preparation, sample size, how many units available for the event, and if there will be another item available in the case we sell out. I choose the Advisor that I feel will best represent the product, show enthusiasm during the entire event – drawing as much member attention possible, and keeping samples available on our busiest days.
Mackenzie Hammerly
#1121 Sun Prairie, WI
I work one-on-one with the Costco managers to see how they want the demo to run and what they are looking for in the event, and then work closely with the assigned Advisors to make sure they know everything they can know about the product they are demoing. I always use the best Advisors, the best being those that will talk, be friendly and have fun.
Robert McGhee
#312 Milford, CT
I always make sure to put the right person on the demo who shows outstanding SITGA skills as well as picking Sales Advisors who are always hitting their goals, so Costco has a return on investment. Having great communication within Costco also helps build the relationship and gives us more of an opportunity to perform more warehouse-generated events.
Nona Beehler
#1013 Union Gap, WA
The thing that makes my warehouse successful is teamwork. Without my 39 Sales Advisors and my three leads, I could not do it without them! There are three things that I look for when I put a Sales Advisor on a demo. 1) Look at what type of demo it is. 2) Who did the demo the last time. 3) What personality will go with the demo. Because not everybody can do a mop demo, pharmacy, or even cooking demo. And we have fun here at Union Gap.
Patricia Nelson
#1209 Menomonee Falls, WI
Success of a warehouse generated event is two-fold. First, the Sales Advisors here love a challenge! They take pride in doing their best and own their outcome of the demos. They have fun with the members and each other and a focus on using all the steps of SITGA. The second component to success is the great rapport we have with Costco. Costco realizes and appreciates the value of Sales Advisors and their ability to increase their sales. They also request their demos in a timely manner so that we have the time and opportunity to assign the right person to their demos.
Mark Touzeau
#1214 Teterboro, NJ
In order to ensure a successful outcome on any event, I always make sure to assign the Sales Advisor that is the best fit for the event. Some Sales Advisors excel in different areas of the store, so I always try to make sure they are working in areas where I feel they will be most comfortable and productive. I find that this generally leads to stronger Sales Advisors. I am also looking for Sales Advisors who are consistently engaging the members, while looking at their past performance and availability on previous events.
Joshua Fink
3443 Denver, CO
I always get with the bakery manager to discuss the event and what their expectations are. Then I choose a Sales Advisor based on the item and how engaging the Sales Advisor will be for that specific event. My Sales Advisor must always be overly engaging and friendly. I choose my Sales Advisors based on previous history on bakery demos. Sometimes the bakery will request a certain Sales Advisor for specific events in which case I always try to have them available. I check on them multiple times a day to see if we need to change something on the event or if it is running smoothly. Ultimately, it’s all about communication and making sure my advisor and the bakery are happy with how it’s running.
Chantel Ontiveros
#021 DanVille, CA
When choosing a Sales Advisor, I am always making sure to place Sales Advisors who are outgoing, energetic, and full of information. I will give the Sales Advisor the vendor name and product, so that the they can research the product and get more in depth about its benefits, as well as recipes and ideas on preparing the product. Being well-informed on products is always a plus.
Shari Merrell
#733 Lehi, UT
I have wonderful bakery managers, deli managers and an associate general manager who are constantly setting goals and pushing their hardest to drive sales for our warehouse. Through relationship building and communication, they know that our team is a great tool to help reach their goals and sales. They know they can come to us anytime, even at a last-minute, we will make it happen. The Sales Advisors that I usually assign to these events have good relationships with the managers also. The managers know they can change things up and the Sales Advisor will adapt. They are proficient in SITGA and they love to have fun at these demos, which is a win-win for both Costco and the members.
Jene Rife
#407 Tucson, AZ
My Costco management has done a great job of empowering their team to watch for things like ripe produce or items that are getting ready to code, or even an overabundance of a certain item. We communicate daily, and they know that we are always here and ready to help. It turns into a win-win for both of us!
Jennifer Madden
#127 Central Point, OR
Having a connection and good communication within the Costco staff is key. Willing to just go out there on the floor and have fun is what I feel is important to a successful warehouse-generated event. The Sales Advisors that I picked for these demos make the experience personable, telling customers how they use the demo with their family. I also look for the strengths in my staff. For example, one person is great at making ribs at home versus someone that can make pies. Putting that personal touch in each demo is a complete fulfillment of our day.
Sarah Juhasz
#632, Columbus, OH
We choose our high-performing Sales Advisors for our warehouse generated events. High-performing Sales Advisors are always the ones that always have a history of high sales lifts, as well as an ability to multi-task and always keep samples available during their events. If Costco can see that we are successfully executing the events and delivering a return on their investment, they will continue to utilize our services.
Thomas Rooney
#321, Yonkers, NY
I have a preliminary quick meeting with Costco managers/department head to calibrate the best placement for the demo. I then select the Sales Advisor Advisor who has the best capability and proven past performance. We have a pre-shift meeting to build up high energy and a positive winning attitude. I maintain contact throughout the event with floor walks and positive motivation to ensure the success of the event. But, it’s a total team effort here and my team is highly capable!